Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Look Ma Naked Tree!!

This is what is left of my beautiful tree. The one I told you about in my last blog. You can say it really got a trim! But to tell you the truth there is almost no sweeping. I can't believe that! I didn't realize how much of a mess it was. I sure don't miss that!

No wonder my neighbor was so happy I agreed to let him do have it trimmed. If I had that much mess how much did he have in his pool?? SO now everybody can live happily for at least another 4 years!! Just like a fairy tale isn't it?


  1. Thanks for the comment over on my blog! Your tree looks just a little naked..but I believe you if you say it will grow back..! :)

  2. It DOES look rather nekkid! :-0

    And never fear, I will NEVER, EVER reuse coffee grounds. EHW.
