Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Container Garden is Producing

This plant is one that is suppose to thrive is hot weather, well it is now HOT! I am going to see just how well it is going to do. Around the bottom of the tomotoe plant is green peppers I have never done that before. I do gardening is done by the fence but since I didn't do squash and others this year I had to do these 2 .

I had to show the this plant! This was Sunday and Monday morning these 2 were ripe I would show them to you but I ate them. Let me tell you they were so full of flavor! Boy oh boy I can't wait for more!


  1. Wow, your container plants are definitely doing better than mine! ;)

  2. Hang in there they will do better, I got some more tomatoes today. Soon they will be running out my ears!!

  3. I am so envyous! I can't grow tomotes up here but I can grow eggs HA!
